PROGRAM GUIDE? Looking for the 2013 Saratoga's Got Talent Program Guide? Find it here
PICS? Looking for the 2013 Saratoga's Got Talent Annual Competition Pictures? Find it here
VIDEOS Saratoga's Got Talent Annual Competition Video 3/3 MEET THE WINNERS - INTERVIEWS & PERFORMANCES Most of the winners in 2012 were dancers. All the winners from 2013 were singers. In fact, the winner from 5-12 & 13+ both sang operas. What a coincidence, considering that there were two separate teams of judges! In 2012, our dancers were pleased, and this year our singers walked away elated. If you have a magic fomula to keep everyone happy, please send it my way. NOTE: These videos are telecast on KSAR Saratoga 8:30pm Th, 8pm Fri, CREATV San Jose 10AM Sat
Saratoga's Got Talent Annual Competition Video 2/3 ENTERTAINMENT SEGMENT "Best of Saratoga's Got Talent" - COMING SOON
Saratoga's Got Talent Annual Competition Video 1/3 Experience the excitement building up with our contestants raising the bar with each act....
State Senator Jim Beall's message : For Saratoga's Got Talent attendees - expressing his regrets on not being able to make it